Energy + Power + Strength + Flow
Professor Nick Ellis and the Coaches at NorthWest Jeet Kune Do are dedicated to conquering limits and achieving a higher quality of life. We point the way toward self-mastery and continuous growth to unlock and unleash the hidden potential inside of you!
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Action Strength Black Belt Coach Nick Ellis.
One of only 3 certified Black Belts in the World!
Sculpt lean muscle and eliminate fat in 20 minutes, 4 times a week with the Action Strength training system!
Action Strength Black Belt Coach Nick Ellis will lead you to find the super athlete version of yourself! Welcome to the Journey of Strength!
What is Action Strength?
Action Strength is a Complete portable functional fitness training system that combines Kettlebells, Ancient Indian Exercises (Body Weight and the Mace), With Qi-Gong and Tai-Chi Secrets to Create what can only be known as the Super Athlete!
Action Strength is the same combat and conditioning methods used by Special operations teams, Professional Athletes, and Martial Arts Masters!
Kettlebells + Gada + Body Weight + Tai-Chi = Action Strength!
What will Action Strength do for you?
- Accelerates the development of All-purpose strength and restores
muscular balance and joint mobility.
- Boosts your physical resilience – so you can avoid injuries and become pain free.
- Saves Gym fees, we prefer to train outside or in the privacy of your own home.
- Ensures the correct blend of power and flexibility.
- Hacks your fat off without the tough grind of dieting and aerobics.
- Forges an Athletic Physique while developing strength that can be applied.
- Creates independence- Action Strength is the World’s #1 portable gym that will make you as strong as you want anywhere, anytime.
Here is why Action Strength works!
Action Strength gives you in just 20 minutes 4 times a week what takes 90 minutes in the gym – 30 minutes on a treadmill (Cardio), 30 minutes on weight machines (Resistance), and 30 minutes on abs (Core).
Cardio, Resistance, and Core!
3x the results in one third of the time!
This is an 8 week total BODY transformation!
Training can be done privately or in a group setting.
All I need is commitment, drive, and dedication. A minimum of 60 days, 12 short weeks is required to change your life!
A weekly one hour group class plus 20 minutes, 4 times a week – that’s only 2.5 hours a week in your schedule!
After the 60 days you will have 32 totally unique home workouts!
It is like having a personal coach in the privacy of your own home. Or you can train with your friends to share the benefits and motivate each other!
Schedule Your Training Today!
Private training, semi-private, seminars, and clinics.